Yesterday we had receive e-mail from our customer that we had close dealfor these goods and he cancel the order because happen to im something seriouswith his health.I have find already a new customer that want to buy the goods but he told me that need first to deliverthe goods to his warehouse and to pay us in the same time because we cooperate in the past two timeswith the same way and he is very good customer.We as Limarso Ltd company want to be reliable with you and your company because it was very suddenand unexpectable fo us and need your help and our support for 5-7 days to release the containers for to deliverthe goods to our new customer and to pay us, also then to arrange the payment to you immediately.If you want we can sign and stamp for you a guarantee letter about the payment that we will arrange it to youafter 5-7 days from the release date.I hope that you can understand and to help me..... Also i promise that neve will happen something like this againto our cooperation.