If you are paid for your ideas at work, your artistic performance or presentation should generate applause from higher-ups from December 18 to 20, for Mercury will be based in your fifth house of creativity over this full moon. If you want to show your ideas to a VIP or tender a proposal for new business, this full moon would be the time to do it. You certainly would garner attention and a thoughtful response from those to whom you present your work.You have another romantic date coming up, December 20, when Mercury and Uranus will be in sublime agreement, and the moon will be in Cancer, a good spot for you. Mercury will still be in your truelove sector, and Uranus will be in your travel house, so this point of the month may find you heading to the airport. Alternatively, you may hear from someone special you’ve not heard from in a long time. I believe you will love this day and be happy with what happens.