The most robustly supported datasets established by the structure analysis revealed three population groups (K=3). The groupings of PLB with PTI and of PA with PPC can be explained by the proximity of the inselbergs, which would facilitate the processes of pollination and dispersion between these populations. The third group is formed only by PLC, which is on the most geographically distant inselberg (ca. 60 km and 72 km from the other groups), and therefore is more geographically isolated, thus increasing the efects of diferentiation through random genetic drift. These results corroborate the highest FST values for PLC when compared pairwise with the other populations. Considerable indirect gene fow was found among the fve populations, with an average of Nm=1.073 migrants per generation.The occurrence of isolated and subdivided populations may lead to genetic diferentiation of local populations [65]. Possibly, gene fow and genetic drift in the populations of P. azouryi are not in balance, thus making the indirect estimation of gene fow via FST difcult [66]. Although the species has winged seeds [28], making wind dispersion possible, propagation of vegetative propagules is more efective at short distances. Another characteristic of the species that may hinder gene fow is the distinct periods of fowering by populations throughout the year (unpublished data). In 2012 and 2013, individuals of P. azouryi from PA fowered in December, while those from PLC fowered in August, and those from PLB in April. Pairwise comparisons among the populations revealed that only PLC had a value of Nm