The measurement of insulation crimp width andheight is done for preferably with a standardmicrometer with flat measure surfaces with lowmeasurement force and if possible complete axialcoverage of the insulation crimp by the measuresurfaces.The insulation crimp width is predefined by theinsulation crimp punch and not adjustable. It is alsoinfluenced by the used wire.The tolerance is -5% to +15% to the nominal crimperwidth dimension. Restrictions due to a housing areto be considered.An insulation crimp height is not specified due to thetolerances of the insulation diameter and theproperties of the insulation material, or is given asreference only. It needs to be adjusted to the usedwire. Restrictions due to a housing are to beconsidered.For testing the insulation support, the unstrippedwire is crimped only in the insulation support crimp.The effectiveness of the insulation support is to beverified by the winding test according section 16h ofDIN IEC 512-8 (as specified in DIN EN 60352-2).