3.3. Effect of Increasing the Inlet HP Separator Feed Flow Rate on the Gas Flow Rate, Methane Mole Fraction,and Heat Required by the PreheaterThe results of the HP separator inlet feed flow rate changes on the produced gas, as well as onthe methane mole fraction, while keeping other parameters such as temperature, feed composition,and pressure constant, are presented in Tables 6 and 7. These values were obtained using the twosimulation software packages. The simulation results show that successive incremental increases of10% in the inlet flow significantly increased the created gas flow rate from 1.91 × 10 4 to 3.08 × 10 4 kg/h(CHEMCAD) and from 1.9661 × 10 4 to 2.7562 × 10 4 kg/h (UniSim), which explains the availablecapacity of the HP separator to accommodate an increased inlet flow rate. Moreover, the methanemole fraction remained constant at 0.756045 and 0.741194 in CHEMCAD and UniSim, respectively,since the outlet gas composition is not a function of the inlet flow rate. The composition of thefeed, as well as pressure and temperature, are the parameters that influenced the separation processequilibrium constant.