Not impressed but i guess you get what u pay for however i am sure ive bought vacuum cheaper than this before And it was decent, this one IS HORRIBLY ANNOYINGLY LOUD SQUEALING HIGH PITCHED SOUND along with loud vacuum's motor sound and squeaky wheels, makes this one feel cheap and wonky! Suction is great but all vacuums are in beginning anyways, there's no way to adjust height of brush for carpet vs hard floor etc, and the one handed bucket release doesn't work right it's sticking!Ive never had a vacuum actually hurt my ears before and ive had a few louder ones, this one has this high pitched noise that is such a sound frequency that it causes irritation to ear drums and a sense of pain after turning it off, not pleasant at all, thankfully I only have a livingroom 8 by 10 carpet and then 2 bedrooms upstairs to vacuum and were very clean home so i dont have to vac upstairs daily, but living room i prefer to do daily, now i have to go and buy yet another vacuum cleaner ughhh because this one will be used as back up only, what a waste of 80 bucks!!