tensile strength, time-dependent strength, i.e. creep strength, fatigue data, Young's modulus (modulus of elasticity), appropriate amount of plastic strain, impact strength, fracture toughness—appropriate joint factors must be applied to the material proper¬ties depending, for example, on the type of non-destructive testing, the materials joined and the operating conditions envi¬saged, — the design must take appropriate account of all reasonably fore¬seeable degradation mechanisms (e.g. corrosion, creep, fatigue) commensurate with the intended use of the equipment. Attention must be drawn, in the instructions referred to in section 3.4, to particular features of the design which are relevant to the life of the equipment, for example: for creep: design hours of operation at specified tempera¬tures, for fatigue: design number of cycles at specified stress levels, for corrosion: design corrosion allowance;