In the figure, 1 is the driving equipment, which is generally composed of one or more motors, supporting reducers, driving rollers, couplings, etc., fixed on the frame, which is the power source of the belt conveyor; in the figure, 2 is the belt, which is mainly used to bear the materials and transfer the traction; in the figure, 3 is the upper idler, which is used to bear the gravity of the belt and materials and reduce the running resistance of the belt; in the figure, 4 It is driven roller, which mainly plays the role of reversing and belt tension; 5 in the figure is the frame, which plays the supporting role of the main parts of belt conveyor; 6 in the figure is the lower idler, which plays the role of supporting the return section belt and reducing the resistance; 7 in the figure is the tension device, which is used to adjust the belt tension and properly tighten the belt to improve the traction.