CSIS0153 Tutorial 2(20 Marks)Instruction1.Create a word file and name it as Tutorial2_.docx. EG: Tutorial2_D1900001A.docx2.Once completed all the questions below, please upload the word file into One Drive’s allocated shared folder, https://southernuniversitycollege-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/lc3547_sc_edu_my/ErOLVfQuqspGumqRvSIkcCwBVqZJuO9nPHb3C_Wk2hVBEwSection A: MS WordSkill(10marks)There are some mistakeson the BACI contest. Please correct the program itinerary below.1.Change tentative program to Program itinerary2.Event date change to 30 September 20193.Include Southern University College logoas header.4.Change the time font type to Arial Black5.Change the word drone to carSection B: Outlook(10 marks)1.Refer to the tutorial 1 sheet on CSIS1053_2021C_tutorial.xlsx, write an email to your classmatethat you assessed his or her tutorial1. Content of the email must include classmate’s email addressand subject. Informed he or she that you have assessed his or her tutorial 1.Screens capture theemail.(5 marks)For example:2.Create a CSIS1053 final exam reminder on your calendar. Screenscapture the event detail. (5 marks)For example: ___________________000___________________