CONCLUSIONIn present systematic meta-analysis, RIPC was associatedwith a significant reduction AKI after on-pump cardiac surgerybut incidence of RRT, postoperative sCr, and in-hospitalmortality. Numerous clinical trials using several interventionsto prevent AKI have been somewhat disappointing. In clinicalpractice, RIPC appears to be a safe procedure, as no adverseevents related to RIPC application were reported to date.To verify the beneficial effects of RIPC, more effortsshould be made to form a better evidentiary basis for RIPC.Before RIPC is adopted for clinical use, large-scale, probablymulticenter, and high-quality studies will be needed to changepractice. Meanwhile more experimental research is needed onthe potential mechanisms responsible for improved AKI
CONCLUSION<br>In present systematic meta-analysis, RIPC was associated<br>with a significant reduction AKI after on-pump cardiac surgery<br>but incidence of RRT, postoperative sCr, and in-hospital<br>mortality. Numerous clinical trials using several interventions<br>to prevent AKI have been somewhat disappointing. In clinical<br>practice, RIPC appears to be a safe procedure, as no adverse<br>events related to RIPC application were reported to date.<br>To verify the beneficial effects of RIPC, more efforts<br>should be made to form a better evidentiary basis for RIPC.<br>Before RIPC is adopted for clinical use, large-scale, probably<br>multicenter, and high-quality studies will be needed to change<br>practice. Meanwhile more experimental research is needed on<br>the potential mechanisms responsible for improved AKI