The decomposition results are presented in Tables 3 to 5. We begin, in Table 3, with results from the comparison of workers in standard employment with workers in any form of non-standard employment. The top panel (‘overall’) presents the standard employment shares in the two years that are being compared, and the difference between these shares. These figures correspond to the shares described in the previous section, with slight deviations stemming from the fact that cases with missing information on worker and job characteristics were excluded from the decomposition analysis. More importantly, this panel shows how much of this difference can be explained by the characteristics in the models, and how much remains unexplained after accounting for these characteristics. The second panel (‘explained’) provides detailed information on which specific factors contributed to the total explained portion of the change in the standard employment share between the two years. Finally, the bottom panel (‘unexplained’) provides detailed information on changes in the propensity of being in standard employment by various characteristics.