Upon request supplier must be able to present the SDS for the chemicals used in the production of the requested product. Other supporting documents such as certificates from subcontractors etc. can also be considered as a part of the SD.
Persistent, bio accumulative and toxic (PBT), very persistent and very bio accumulative (vPvB), carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic for reproduction (CMR), endocrine disruptors (ED) or equivalent concern
CAS no
CI no
Chemical Abstracts Service number, an identification number for chemicals in this database.
Color Index number
Manufacturing Restricted Substances List
Parts per million, which is the same as mg/kg.
Percentage is weight by weight, % w/w
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
Substances of Very High Concern
1 Impurities at low concentrations of these substances may be accepted only if technically unavoidable due to e.g. raw materials, formation in the manufacturing process, storage or packaging.
September 2018