I have few questions about the standard application models.In below email from Mr. WuZhongBao, it was indicated that applicable modelsare needed to be prepared from other factories (MJ, MKC, MCC, MBR and MME)for the standard application.Are applicable models that produced by those factories (other than MCA)going to switch to Standard Cable cords?Are the other factories using Volex power cords for the subjected partnumbers (by VAVE A009-109) now?Are the all applicable models that use the subjected power cord partnumbers still active?If all answers are yes, then I understand that all applicable models areneeded to get the standard cert.But if either answer is no, then do we really need to submit the standardapplication for all models?Can we just focus on few priority models (active model and potentiallyswitching to the Standard Cable cord) first to speed up the process?I might not be fully understanding about system or mechanics of thestandard certification.So please excuse me if I am saying completely nonsense.But please respond to my questions and explain how to proceed with thestandard application efficiently.I will appreciate your understanding and support.