1. Resistors Note: always meter resistor values before soldering 2. HF-Chokes3. Diodes Cathode4. Crystal 5. USB Socket * Note THis connector is optional.6. Tact Switches7. Ceramic Capacitors8. LED Solder positive pole (the longer lead)9. Pin header (for power) Face the opening outward10. Transisors Attention Packages are similar. Do not mix up!11. Regulators Attention Packages are similar. Do not mix up!12. Capacitor trimmers13. Power inductor14. Electrolytic capacitors Solder positive pole (the longer lead) to the square pad15. Power connector16. Pin-header(male)*17. Pin-header(female)18. slide switches19. BNC connector Note:the thicker pins need to heat up longer to get good soldeing esult.