Most of the operational risk events are high-frequency and low loss events. Commercial banks will take the way of risk retention, that is, to bear the possible operational risk losses in the future with their own financial resources. Part of the situation of risk retention of commercial banks is that some risk factors are not recognized in advance or the degree of loss caused by them is not recognized enough, and some measures are not taken to control and transfer, so the actual loss can only be borne by themselves, which is a kind of passive risk retention or self bearing. The other part is to fully identify and evaluate some operational risk factors and possible losses in advance, but because they have little impact on the results of business activities of commercial banks, the cost of special risk management and control is far higher than the income from this, and the future loss of this risk can be handled by the method of retention or loss bearing. This kind of risk retention generally does not need to draw a special risk fund, but directly amortizes the loss into the cost when the actual loss occurs.