In this study, we successfully established a DNmodel in C57BL/KsJ db/db mice and foundthat glomerular miR-134-5p is differentiallyexpressed in the mouse kidney in diabetes,with or without proteinuria. To further explorethe roles of miRNAs, we cultured cells from aconditionally immortalized human podocyte cell line in medium supplemented with 30 mM.D-glucose to mimic conditions in diabetes. Ourdata showed that miR-134-5p expression ishigher in high-glucose than in normal (non-dia-betic) glucose conditions. We found that miR-134-5p mimics can reduce bcl-2 protein levelswhen transfected into podocytes. As a result,the podocyte-specific biomarker nephrin wasdownregulated and the podocytes becameapoptotic. The reduced nephrin levels couldlead to the impairment of podocyte functionand structure. In contrast, miR-134-5p inhibi-tors conferred protection from apoptosis, evenunder hyperglycemic conditions.
In this study, we successfully established a DN<br>model in C57BL/KsJ db/db mice and found<br>that glomerular miR-134-5p is differentially<br>expressed in the mouse kidney in diabetes,<br>with or without proteinuria. To further explore<br>the roles of miRNAs, we cultured cells from a<br>conditionally immortalized human podocyte cell line in medium supplemented with 30 mM.D-glucose to mimic conditions in diabetes. Our<br>data showed that miR-134-5p expression is<br>higher in high-glucose than in normal (non-dia-<br>betic) glucose conditions. We found that miR-<br>134-5p mimics can reduce bcl-2 protein levels<br>when transfected into podocytes. As a result,<br>the podocyte-specific biomarker nephrin was<br>downregulated and the podocytes became<br>apoptotic. The reduced nephrin levels could<br>lead to the impairment of podocyte function<br>and structure. In contrast, miR-134-5p inhibi-<br>tors conferred protection from apoptosis, even<br>under hyperglycemic conditions.