STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT SUMMARYKickstarter PrototypeCody Block’s electronics and firmware has been developed to a “functional working prototype” stage. Thismeans that the electronics circuits and firmware are working to the extent that they demonstrate all theproducts features and principles. It fits inside the housing and can be interacted with for demonstration. It ismade using electronics development modules and thus needs to be fully embedded and cost optimised.Design for ManufactureThe next stage of Cody Blocks electronics is “design for production” stage. Qubs has a refined schematicdesign for production and associated BOM, which can be shared. However, an exact layout for the PCB willneed to be completed as well as FCC/CE testing there after. This was hoped to be done in collaboration withthe manufacturing partner.SolutionQubs is able to complete the design for manufacture of the electronics, i.e PCB layout and firmwarerefinements. Qubs is also able to support and handover this task (partially or completely) to the manufacturer iftheir resources and expertise make this possible.