cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.6 miRNAs functionthrough direct binding to the 30 UTR of a target gene mRNA,which induces target gene mRNA cleavage or translational repression.7,8 Accumulated evidence shows that deregulation of miRNAshas been implicated in many cancers, including LUAD, anddysregulated miRNA is an important factor leading to tumorigenesis and progression.9–11 Importantly, studies have shown thateven one aberrantly expressed miRNA is sufficient to causetumor initiation and progression and that restoration or inhibitionof that aberrantly regulated miRNA can dramatically suppresscancer progression, indicating that miRNAs have the potentialto be an effective therapeutic target.12,13 Thus, investigatingthe role of each miRNA that is dysregulated in cancer is veryimportant for understanding cancer development, progression,and therapy.12 Additionally, certain miRNAs have been indicatedto be diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in cancer clinicalstudies.13,14