Human needs tend to increase every day, and they enable us to overcome all the challenges that most of us face almost every day. Abraham Maslow, a famous American psychologist, proposed a hierarchy of human needs and divided it into five categories, through which human motivations developed. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of psychological motivation; a five-layer model of human needs, often described as a hierarchy within a pyramid. The minimum requirements in the hierarchy must be met before moving to a higher level. The five basic needs from the bottom up are the first layer of Maslow's hierarchy of physiological needs, food, water, shelter, sleep, excretion, etc. The second level of security needs self-security, job security, health security, a safe environment and so on. The third level of belonging and love requires strong connections and relationships. The fourth layer is self-esteem needs self-confidence, respect, good personal person, etc. The highest level is the moral, spontaneity and acceptance of self-realization.