Fig. 5(a) and (b) are TEM images of grains of LMO and BF12 in cold sintered 0.15BF12e0.85LMO, respectively. Inset in Fig. 5(a) and (b) are [010] and [100] zone axis diffraction patterns from LMO and BF12, respectively which conclusivley identify each phase. The TEM images confirm the two phase mix identified by XRD and SEM. In addition, HRTEM images from the surface of BF12 particles (e.g.Fig. 5(cee)) reveal that LMO surrounds each grain of BF12. The mechanism of densification therefore, relies on the dissolution of LMO grains into the added water which under a combination of pressure and capillary action surrounds BF12 grains. The BF12 grains themselves do not undergo significant dissolution. Simultaneously, particle rearrangement and enhanced packing occur under pressure in the die. As water evaporates, Liþ and (MoO4)e ions crystallise on the surface of the LMO and BF12 grains, thus densifying not only clusters of LMO particles but also regions of BF12. The net result is a dense composite with limited interaction between the end member phases. A schematic of this mechanism is shown in Fig. 6.