AKI is associated with risks for CKD development, progression, and all-cause mortality.56-60 These observationalstudies are supported by experimental studies of AKI thatprovide plausible biological mechanisms for clinicallyrelevant outcomes.61-64 In a population that has developedCIN, there is a debate of whether this is associated with aclinically relevant longer-term adverse outcome. Severalstudies have demonstrated increased in-hospital and longterm mortality, CKD progression, and kidney failure inpatients who developed AKI following contrast angiography, compared with those without AKI following coronary angiography.65-68 Of course, observational studiesdo not prove a causal relationship between CIN andadverse clinical outcomes because the association could bedue to confounding comorbid conditions that predisposeto both CIN and adverse clinical outcomes.65 The effect ofnon-CM confounding comorbid conditions on adverseclinical outcomes may be more relevant with intra-arterialthan intravenous studies of CIN.